Nevertheless, I had a good time all around. I met a bunch of other travelers; mostly singles, some pairs and we made the most of the bad weather. We played jenga, cards, shared travel stories, and made the most of the island's duty-free status.
During a break in the downpour, I went to visit the 7 wells with two other travelers. We slid down the rapids and enjoyed a great view. Then on the way down the 500-some stairs (not fun on the way up in 100% humidity by the way) we ran into a family of Macaques! Now, these monkeys are known to be somewhat of a pest in South-East Asia and most of the other travelers I've talked to hate them... but it was my first time seeing a family of monkeys in the "wild" so I was very excited!
Now I'm off to Singapore, taking two long trains to get there. I have another 30 some hours there and then off to Auckland!