Friday, April 1, 2011


My final stop in Malaysia! Unfortunately the weather was uncooperative. The beach was beautiful, though not as impressive as Boracay or the Perhentians. To be fair, this might be due to the heavy rain that has been hitting most of Malaysia and Thailand for the past couple of weeks. On my one sunny day I got a picture:

Nevertheless, I had a good time all around. I met a bunch of other travelers; mostly singles, some pairs and we made the most of the bad weather. We played jenga, cards, shared travel stories, and made the most of the island's duty-free status.

During a break in the downpour, I went to visit the 7 wells with two other travelers. We slid down the rapids and enjoyed a great view. Then on the way down the 500-some stairs (not fun on the way up in 100% humidity by the way) we ran into a family of Macaques! Now, these monkeys are known to be somewhat of a pest in South-East Asia and most of the other travelers I've talked to hate them... but it was my first time seeing a family of monkeys in the "wild" so I was very excited!

Now I'm off to Singapore, taking two long trains to get there. I have another 30 some hours there and then off to Auckland!

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