Sunday, March 31, 2013


After the all the drama and re-organizing it took for my father and I to finally get to Sapa, I was worried that I would be disappointed... yet, if anything I underestimated how beautiful it would be here. This is definitely the most beautiful place I've been in Vietnam -- perhaps even in the world! It is definitely in my top five...

 Due to our re-arranging, the hotel my dad and I had booked was full the day of our arrival. The manager offered us a two-day trek through the countryside, complete with a homestay in one of the villages nearby. Since we were planning on spending most of our time trekking anyways, this seemed like a great opportunity. In fact, it was probably the highlight of our trip! We had a private guide from one of the ethnic minority groups who was very knowledgeable and friendly. She also had a great sense of humor which made the whole experience even more enjoyable! Another perk was that she was almost eight months pregnant, so the pace was nice and slow giving us ample time to soak in our surroundings. Though the trek was quite tame, I was very impressed that she was able to do it all carrying around a miniature person inside her!
Our guide, leading us through rice fields -- watch your step!
Traditional wear of one of the many ethnic minorities
living in the Sapa valley

Another perk of doing the two-day hike was that our deluxe room was upgraded for free to a VIP room! Actually, the whole trip was quite on the VIP side -- private tour, great train, and the room! Much more over-the-top than I'm used to:

The only other activity to do in Sapa is shopping. I had been looking forward to seeing all the beautiful hand-made products available here ever since landing in Saigon back in September. While perusing the souvenir shops all over the country, I found myself time and time again attracted to the items that came originally from Sapa. I had been holding back on making any purchases, knowing that I was going to be able to buy from the artisans themselves once I was in Sapa. I was not disappointed with the beauty of the array of hand-made scarves, bags, pillow covers, jewelery... I was unprepared for the tenacity and perseverance of the women selling their items however. Reminded me of my PO days, just keep asking and keep asking and finally someone will buy! It was their lucky day, I was that someone and I bought a lot!


  1. Are those pants? I like them! Your trip looks amazing Aki!!

  2. Looks so amazing - your really making my travel itch, itchier!!! I miss you and I'm loving the blog. Have so much fun! x
